Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Bosses Day Thank You's!

Today is Bosses Day!  While not a very important day (not a national holiday), it is a humbling day for bosses, in my opinion.  It is important for each leader, not boss, to remember where they came from and who our influences were as we increased our levels of responsibility. 

So, today, I want to recognize some of my Bosses with a short sentence or two on how they influenced me.

John Sprague - Taught me the importance of "WORK" and focus, and most importantly responsibility.
Jon Hobble - Taught me how to take a chance and "go for it"!  If I didn't listen to Jon, I wouldn't have taken my first plunge into leadership.
Rick Simmons - Taught me about the importance of being tenacious and driven in the workplace.
Roger Sedlacek - Made me first think about leadership, not management.  I still find myself asking the question, am I people leader, or a technical leader?
Lee Ervin - A mentor to me.  Taught me the importance of integrity in results.
Erica Mortenson - At the end of the day, all people will remember is a name and is your name associated with positive or negative thoughts.  Erica reported up to me but this conversation has resonated with me for years.
Angela Dossey - A mentor, and a friend.  Taught me how to be human at work and never forget where you came from.  Through Angela, I realized the importance of having fun at work and not to sweat the small stuff.  "Is it a hill worth dying on?
Sean Dickson - A mentor and fellow Jayhawk!  Taught me the importance of relationships from the aspect that I work in a small, but large industry, and everyone knows everyone. 
Terence Hayes - A mentor, and a friend.  Taught me the importance of humility in the workplace.  Success is not about the individual but about the team that worked together to achieve it.  Through Terence I really learned the difference between leadership and management.  Always inspect what is expected!
Shelia Dunlap - A friend, and a mentor.  Through Shelia I have started to recognize my potential as a leader.  Through Shelia, I have realized that credit is not as important as execution.  Take the time to inspire others to reach their potential.

There are many others that I have had the privilege to work with and for.  Remember, as a leader, each of us have an impact on those around us, both directly and indirectly.  Take the time each day to recognize the impact of your actions on others.

Have fun, work hard, enjoy life!  Happy Bosses Day!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Musical observation

I am by no means a musical expert.  Just getting that out on the table to begin with.  I enjoy listening to music and probably over thinking the motivation behind the words, which is the fodder for this post.

As many with people who have to do any type of vehicle travel, I usually have my XM radio stations that I naturally gravitate towards.  I enjoy listening to the decade stations, country music, classic rock, new age music, pop, hip-hop, etc.  I have a varied listening palate that is usually driven by my mood at the time.  As I have spent close to 40 hours in my vehicle over the past week, I have found myself listening more to differences in the decades of popular music and, as a history major in college, can see how changes in society have manifested itself in the music.

Many have researched and gotten into the "weeds" of the driving influences behind the music.  That's not where I am going with my comments.

In my opinion, many problems we have in society today are as a result of individual greed and the entitlements associated with technology.  Music back when I was growing up spoke more about feelings and making things better tomorrow than they are today.  An example of this is in my High School class song, "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac.  Whenever I hear this song, I am reminded that life is a process, and as long as you keep plugging away, good things will happen. 

Music should be motivational and inspirational.  I have a few songs that really inspire me and motivate me.  It's the words, and through the years words have evolved from enjoying people, life, relationships and positive messages to a more negative overtone. 

I can say that I have probably become my father, by making my kids listen to music from earlier generations, and then forcing them to listening to me sing (which I couldn't carry a note in a bucket). 

Maybe I am feeling a little nostalgic this weekend, as this is my High School 25th reunion weekend.  It is important that a person never forgets where they come from.  Even though I won't be attending the reunion, reflecting back on my graduating class, I always stay grounded.

What music motivates you?  Comments are always welcome!

Happy 25th NHS Class of '87!